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Author Book Signing Diary February 24th Part Two

I've mentioned in the past the various people that've stopped by my table to comment on the cover of my book, usually to compliment it and ask about how much I paid for it. I always reply that I'm not self-published, but in fact through a publisher based out of Florida, which raises eyebrows. Apparently book signings by authors under the auspices of a contract is exceptionally rare.

This book signing was no different, as I had at least a half-dozen souls stop to study the grotesque amalgamation that is the cover of The Father of Flesh, with four of those six purchasing the book upon me uttering that HP Lovecraft was an influence. It helped that the store mentioned me over the speakers of the store a few times, and that I was seated next to the games which had a board game about Cthulhu, allowing me to point him out for people to connect the dots when they drew a blank. Many only knew of HP Lovecraft through the South Park episode where Cthulhu makes an appearance, so I suppose that's something.

A number of prospective authors stopped by my table, several of which were budding fiction writers. One, a nice woman by the name of Laura, is writing a piece of dark fiction while reading her favorite pieces of fantasy. A realtor by trade, she's looking to expand herself and find a way to have fun with her hobbies.

Good for her I say.

We talked writing for a bit, and are now Facebook friends.

I spoke with a woman who is a fan of audio books, and I told her of Audible and the free audio books you get for signing up. Her husband is a trucker, and listens to books constantly, so she is always buying him stuff to listen to. She seemed excited, and I wrote down my information for her to look me up. If you're reading this madam, I hope you found something good for your husband!

I also spoke with a nice woman who is writing a nonfiction work on women in oil, who is just about done with her manuscript. She is in the editing phases, which are always the longest, and is chipping away at the final pieces to make sure everything is nice and smooth. We talked about the pros and cons of self-published, and I told her of my limited success in my forays into the field.

This Saturday I have a book signing at El Luchador Bar AT 622 Broadway here in San Antonio, from 5 PM to 10 PM. Come on out and share a drink with me, talk shop, and nab a book if you don't have one!

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