Updates to My Bibliography
Been a bit, hasn't it? Apologies, I've been a tad bit busy. Hopefully you all enjoyed the Eladrin: Dawn series I previewed here, I'll be submitting the novel around for once I finish it up. Onto better news! Some anthologies I have had the pleasure to be involved with have been released, and I've just been too busy to take note of! First we have the one I helped curate, choosing the stories myself from a select group of authors that I have read and find to be great at weaving a tapestry of terror. Nickel Nightmares is a collection of novellas that explore some disturbing avenues of horror, from ghosts to murder to zombie deer!
This collection is brought to you by Terror Tract, a small publisher that really goes the extra mile to try and deliver not just frightening horror stories, but original ones.
The link to see it on Amazon, where you can order a paperback or Kindle version, is the actual image itself so feel free to take a peek and see if the stories are something you could take an interest in.
Each tale is told before an intermission with the dreadful narrator, Chelsea Grinn, takes the time to torture each and every author so that we, the reader, can understand what motivated them to write their stories the way that they did.
Like Grandmother Paschall always said "Find a man's weakness, and then exploit it!"
Hm, that... doesn't seem to work here... oh well, the point is it's a fun anthology for all involved, from authors to editors, and we would love for you to join in on the fun and let us know what you think with a review. Tell us which story was your favorite, which wasn't, and what you would like to see should this anthology ever get a sequel!
The next one is an anthology that came out a few weeks ago and I kind of... forgot to inform you all.
Apologies for that, by the way.
This one is a collection of shorter stories, no overarching theme beyond "be scary", and all well written and beautifully edited.
Brought to us by the illustrious Scare Street publishers, a leading name in indie horror publishing, this anthology is perfect for a quick Halloween read around the campfire, or while sitting on your front porch passing out candy to brave trick or treaters!
The fifth installment, feel free to peruse the other volumes should this one prove up to your standards, and revel in the gory and gruesome scenes from across years of writing from some of the most notable names in horror underground!
Again, the link to reach the actual sales page to purchase a copy (paperback or Kindle) is the actual image itself, so feel free to drop by and snag a copy. Leave a review to let us know how we did, whose stories gave you the goosebumps, and to wish us a Happy Halloween!